Inspection standards for food packaging bags

Food packaging bags belong to a kind of outer packaging design. This kind of bag is often used in our daily life. In order to preserve food more conveniently while maintaining the freshness of food, this kind of bag was born. It can be in direct contact with the food without affecting the quality of the food.

Health Inspection

In flexible packaging its hygiene is very important, because its direct contact with the food we eat every day, so it is the primary standard of inspection is to pass the hygiene.

Including evaporation residue (acetic acid, ethanol, hexane), potassium permanganate consumption, heavy metals, decolorization test. Evaporation residue is a reflection of the food packaging bags in the use of vinegar, wine, oil and other liquids when precipitated residue, the possibility of heavy metals, residue and heavy metals will have adverse effects on human health, in addition to residue will directly affect the food color, fragrance, taste and other edible quality.

Safety inspection

The raw materials and additives used in the bag should meet the relevant national quality requirements, to ensure that the human body will not cause harm such as poisoning.

Degradability test: the type of degradation of the product can be divided into photodegradable, biodegradable, environmental degradable. If the degradation performance is good, the bag will be under the joint action of light and microorganisms, their own fracture, differentiation and degradation, and eventually become debris, accepted by the natural environment to avoid the emergence of white pollution.

Appearance inspection

Food packaging bag appearance appearance should be flat, no scratches, burns, bubbles, broken oil and creases, heat sealing flat, no false seal. Film shall not have cracks, pores and composite layer separation. No impurities, foreign bodies and oil stains and other pollution.

Specification inspection

Its specification, width, length and thickness deviation should be within the specified range.

Physical and mechanical properties inspection:

That is, the quality of the bag should be good. Physical and mechanical properties test includes the tensile strength and elongation at break. Reflects the ability of the product in the use of the tensile process, if the product tensile capacity is poor, it will be easy to rupture and damage when in use.

XinHui is a wholesale company specializing in the production and processing of large vacuum bags, plastic films, laminated bags, aluminized laminated bags, zipper laminated bags, laminated printing bags, static bags, aluminum park bags, medium seam bags, organ bags, BOPP bags and other products.

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