Introduction to Food Packaging

We often use food packaging bags in our lives to keep food fresh and stored. The role of food packaging bags is not only to provide physical and shell protection, but also to convey information, carry out marketing and help manufacturers to calculate stock sales, etc. Food packaging bags are in direct contact with food, so the standard requirements are high and need to go through six inspection procedures such as hygiene inspection, safety inspection, degradability inspection and appearance inspection. Food packaging bags are basically made of two to three kinds of plastic composite, different materials have different uses. Here to learn more about the food packaging bag knowledge.

The role of food packaging bags

1.Physical protection

Food stored in plastic bags need to avoid extrusion, impact, vibration, temperature difference and other phenomena protection

Shell can make the food and oxygen, water vapor, stains, etc. Separate, anti-leakage is also a necessary element of packaging design. Some packaging includes a desiccant or deoxidizer to extend the shelf life. Vacuum packaging or evacuation of air in the bag is also the main food packaging methods. Preservation of food in the shelf life of clean, fresh and safe is the primary function of the bag.

3.Communicate information

Packaging and labeling to tell people how to use the package or food, transportation, recycling or disposal


Marketing often uses box labels to encourage potential buyers to purchase goods. Packaging design has become a pivotal and constantly changing phenomenon over the decades. Marketing communications and graphic design applied to the outer box and (for some reason) the highlight of the sales presentation


 Packaging can be in reducing the risk of transport security, but also to avoid food to other goods. Some food packaging is very strong and have anti-counterfeit mark, the role is to protect the interests of the business from loss. The bag can have shot logo, special colors, SMS authentication and other labels. In addition, retailers to prevent theft, food bags with electronic monitoring tags, such as consumers to get the store’s exit to demagnetize.

6.Counting inventory sales

Individual packaging helps to accurately control the overall situation. For example, salt in the package can know the amount of inventory. It also facilitates the calculation of recent sales, such as dairy companies to deliver and recycle milk bottles, rather than allowing consumers to fill their own.

What are the inspection standards of food packaging bags

1.Health Inspection

Health inspection in flexible packaging its hygiene is very important, because its direct contact with the food we eat every day, so it is the primary criterion for inspection is to pass the health including evaporation residue (billion acid, ethanol, hexane), high acid potassium consumption, heavy metals, decolorization test. Evaporation residue is a reflection of food packaging bags in the use of vinegar, wine, oil and other liquids when precipitated residue, the possibility of heavy metals, residue and heavy metals will have adverse effects on human health, in addition to residue will directly affect the food color, fragrance, taste and other edible quality.

2.Safety inspection

The raw materials used in the bag, additives to meet the relevant national quality requirements, to ensure that the human body will not cause harm such as poisoning

3.Degradability test

The type of degradation of the product can be divided into photodegradable, biodegradable, environmentally degradable. If the degradation performance is good, the bag will be in the light and the joint action of microorganisms, their own fracture, differentiation and degradation, and eventually become crumbs, accepted by the natural environment to avoid white pollution.

4.Appearance inspection

Food packaging bag appearance appearance should be flat, no scratches, burns, bubbles, broken oil and creases, heat sealing flat, no false seal. Film shall not have cracks, pores and composite layer separation without impurities, foreign bodies and oil stains and other pollution.

5.Specification inspection

Its specifications, width, length, thickness deviation should be within the specified range.

6.Physical and mechanical properties inspection

That is, the quality of the bag up to be good. Physical and mechanical properties tests include tensile strength and elongation at break. Reflects the ability of the product in the use of the tensile process, if the product tensile capacity is poor, it will be easy to break and damage the phenomenon when in use.

Classification and use of food packaging bag material

1.BOPP/LLDPE two-layer composite: moisture-proof, cold-resistant, low-temperature heat sealing tension, mainly for instant noodles, snacks, frozen snacks, powdered packaging, etc.

2.BOPP/CPP two-layer composite: moisture-proof, oil-resistant, high transparency, good stiffness, mainly for instant noodles, cookies, candy, all kinds of light food packaging. 

3.BOPP/VMPETILLDPE three-layer composite: moisture-proof, oxygen barrier, shade, good stiffness, for all kinds of food, rice, fried food, potato chips.

4.BOPP/VMPETILLDPE three-layer composite: moisture-proof, oxygen barrier, light shielding, used for all kinds of food, rice snacks, snacks, tea packaging.

5.PET/CPP two-layer composite: moisture-proof, oxygen barrier, aroma preservation, high-temperature steaming resistance, used for food containing wine, fragrant food.

6.PETIPET/CPP three-layer composite: moisture-proof, high temperature resistance, easy to seal, commonly used in powder packaging, soy sauce, liquid, shampoo.


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