New form:Interactive packaging product design

The new form of interactive packaging is about fun, memory, and even practicality. The original and interesting orientation makes consumption not only shopping, but also a kind of leisure and entertainment. After deepening the memory point, brand awareness will gradually be formed, and if practicality can be integrated, it will attract more consumer groups. The following 15 interactive packaging products, although some still remain in the design concept, but some have been extended from a clear concept into a physical product, do not know which one you like the most?

(The following images are from the Internet)

1.Squeeze wine box

Although squeezing while drinking is really against the elegance of wine tasting, but not even the last drop is the highest principle of wine lovers!

2.Meat packaging with freshness indicators

With the loss of freshness the color of the funnel label on the top will also deepen, even if you are a novice grocery shopper, you do not have to worry about buying meat that is not fresh. (The middle sticker indicates that it’s time for a special offer, to the far right is not suitable for purchase should be removed from the shelves)

3.Both the box and the hanger box

This kind of box is especially suitable for online shopping goods, at least do not worry about the recycling of the box, directly as a hanger to hang it up!

4.Folding branch assembled label

For those who are used to the bottle label, the folded paper label should be able to satisfy their itching desire.

5.Wrapping paper that can be used as a fake paper plate

Sandwiches are usually held in the hands of a large mouth to eat all, more wrappers as a paper plate, as if unknowingly followed by a careful chewed slowly up.

6.Rotating coffee cup holder

No matter which mood you are in now, you can find an expression that suits you and have a cup of coffee with you.

7.Do-it-yourself shopping bag design

The small square on the front of the shopping bag can change into various expressions and words with your mood, becoming your most intimate shopping partner

8.Cookie packaging that can be turned into a mask

Adults and children love to eat the cookie thousand, the box on the super cute animals, unwrapped can be worn on the head as a mask, suddenly the adults eating the cookie into children.

9.Interactive Condom Packaging

10.The secret message hidden on the bottle

Want to know the secret of the message? Drink it all first

11.Japanese Kusansui-style chocolate packaging

The combination of Japanese dry landscape with Zen meaning and chocolate packaging equals double the relaxation and double the calm mood.

12.Interactive wine bottle design

Don’t be so attracted by the design of the mini-games such as charades, jigsaw puzzle and maze on the bottle label that you forget to drink the wine in the glass!

13.Do-it-yourself labeling of the bottle design

The plain pink bottle, which shape of glasses should be matched with it to be dazzling and bright enough?

14.Snack boxes that can transform into cats

The cat hiding in the inside of the box, it is easy to be ignored by children, when the mother and father can remember to lead the cat out.

15.Do-it-yourself bottle design

Use a solid black wine bottle as a canvas to paint, a little bit of wine should inspire you the most.

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